Chicken coop and run waterer and feeder setup

1 year ago

Hello again from Henderson Acres! Today we are discussing the food and water set up for our egg laying chickens. You'll notice in the video I have noted a few differences between summer and winter. Another thing to clarify is the oyster shells. The rationale behind oyster shells is for calcium, which provides the birds with a thicker egg shell. I do not feed my chickens "layer feed" because I have a rooster. The excess calcium in the layer feed can cause health issues to the rooster. Roosters will not typically eat the oyster shells, but the hens will eat these as needed. My chickens do have a large run and are basically free range but I still supplement with grit. I hope you find this video informative. Please leave a comment and hit that like button

Summer waterer:|Shopping|NB|All_Products|ALL|ALL|ALL|FM&utm_content=490958302923&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA85efBhBbEiwAD7oLQGQ-SCKyAxN0KrDNEvgRWD-ZF8Tw8TgHUZAXaHuufI1gLI3QkeVQGBoCflkQAvD_BwE

Winter Water:


Oyster shell and can be used as a feeder for smaller flocks:

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