Unboxing the Sony PlayStation Classic Edition - Checking Out How The PlayStation Classic Is Equipped

5 years ago

In this video, we unbox and examine the contents of the Sony PlayStation Classic Edition.

Sony surprised a lot of people in the fall of 2018 with the announcement of their first "Classic" system, the PlayStation Classic. Taking a page from their longtime foes, Nintendo, Sony has set out to try to recreate the magic of the original PlayStation with a touch of Nintendo Classic Edition flair. The result is the Sony PlayStation Classic, a $99.99 device with 20 pre-loaded games from a bygone era and trying to take advantage of the lack of a new Nintendo Classic console over the 2018 Christmas season.

From the box, Sony has nailed the marketing of the box art. The outer box sleeve, the look of the console, everything just looks fantastic. Once inside the box the system completely impresses in-terms of industrial design and molding. If I were to hit the model one PlayStation with a shrink ray I'd expect to have something that looks exactly like the PlayStation Classic, it looks THAT good.

Things start falling apart for me a little once we turn to the controllers. There are two of them in the box, which is a definite plus. They learned from what Nintendo missed out on with the NES Classic and only including one controller. The included controllers really lack, I am sad to say. The stock PlayStation Classic controllers feel light, cheap and unsubstantial. While they nailed the aesthetics, from the shape of the controller, the buttons and even the port where it plugs into the system, they dropped the ball when it comes to having a ridiculously short cord on the controllers itself. How short are they? 54-inches. Not even 6 feet long. That's a major disappointment and a huge miss.

Getting the PS Classic hooked up is pretty easy, thanks to the included HDMI cable and MIcro USB Cable. A power supply is not included, but most USB chargers should power the system. I have found in some intitial testing that you need to have a decent length micro USB port on the cord you're going to use if you're not using the stock cable. I will also say I have been able to power the PlayStation Classic from my CharJenPro Premium USB 90w Power Station without any issue.

The 20-games included with the PlayStation Classic are, well, meh. If it wasn't for this YouTube channel I would not have purchased one. The games list includes:

Final Fantasy VII
Grand Theft Auto
Metal Gear Solid
R4 Ridge Racer Type 4
Tekken 3
Twisted Metal
Battle Arena Toshinden
Cool Boarders 2
Destruction Derby
Intelligent Qube
Jumping Flash!
Mr. Driller
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Resident Evil Director's Cut
Revelations: Persona
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Syphon Filter
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Wild Arms

Out of these the games that appeal to me are Ridge Racer, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, and Ridge Racer 4. Beyond this, I'm not sure that any of these titles really jump out at me. I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised, as I have recently picked up a Pound Technologies HDMI Adapter for the PS1 and PS2 and have fallen in love with these systems all over again. But honestly, I am afraid I may have just waisted $99.99.

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