Ultimate Sega Genesis Gift UnBoxing! Epic Fan Mail From Ircha Gaming, 1UpJohn & Vorenge!

6 years ago

In this video, we have three different packages to open from our amazing fans in this episode of who RoX the Box.

Well, never expect gifts to the channel, but they are always appreciated. I had a chance recently to open three packages from three amazing people, and one of the packages blew me away. Let me take that back, all these packages blew me away because they are never expected and always appreciated.

The first package actually came to us by way of Europe and Ircha Gaming. Irene recently posted on Twitter that she was looking to get rid of a few items, asking if anyone was interested. One of them that definitely caught my interest was Mickey Mouse in Mickey Mania for the Sega Mega Drive. I am a huge Disney fan so this is a welcome addition to my collection. She was kind enough to send it my way, included a post card and a business card as well. She originally wasn't asking for anything but I did end up sending her a donation to her channel to help cover the shipping. If you have not checked out her channel before, check her out at this link here: https://www.youtube.com/ircha

Next up was an envelope from 1UpJohn. Now, John had message me to let me know that he was sending a postcard, but it didn't arrive for the longest time. Looking at how the envelope arrived it looks like it had been returned to him for some reason. But inside the envelope was indeed a very cool JUMBO Earthworm Jim postcard. EWJ is one of my favorite series of all time, one that I wish would make a comeback, and this postcard will definitely get added to my collection of Earthworm Jim items. Thank you so much John!

The final item was a box from Jason. Jason has sent some amazing items to the channel in the past, including custom cartridges. The light light up Mega Man X game for the Super NES was his handiwork, the man has some serious skills! Well, this new box that he sent completely blows everything else out of the water. He sent me a Model 2 Genesis, but it wasn't any Model 2 Genesis. This Model 2 Genesis had been modified for S-Video output, all the capacitors had been replaced, and it also had a jack on the side for audio output that would provide cleaner audio than the Genesis Model 2 was ever capable of. He also included a prototype cartridge that he had to do some hand fabricating on. I was truly amazed at his generosity and just how cool this package was.

Make sure you stay subscribed to the channel as I will definitely be doing live streams featuring the model to Genesis to demonstrate the video capabilities, will also be checking out that custom prototype card from Jason as well. I want to thank everyone who sent something into the channel for this episode, your support is truly humbling to me.

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