Review: Should You Buy the the 11-in-1 Nintendo Switch Protector Kit with Carrying Case

5 years ago

In this video, we take a look at the 11-in-1 Nintendo Switch Protector Kit and Case.

When you have a portable device, such as the Nintendo Switch, protecting it while you travel is super important. You also want to make sure that you can bring any necessary accessories with you too. We were sent a very neat travel case for the Nintendo Switch, and we're pretty impressed.

The outside of the case is smooth and firm. This isn't like one of those soft cases that, while it can protect your system from dust and scratches, may not protect it if, say, your laptop is sitting on the case in a backpack and applying pressure to your screen. The Bestico unit will be more resilient than those soft-sided cases.

Inside the zipper case, you have a few storage areas and accessories. A pretty nice screen protector is included, as are jellies for the joycons. You have two options to transport your cartridges, either using the integrated cartridge slots in the top of the case or using the cartridge carrier included. On the top of the case you also have an elastic pouch where you can store things like headphones or a power cable, and two elastic straps secure your Switch down in the case.

The materials feel nice overall, including quality zippers. While I personally probably won't use the jellies, I just don't tend to like those sort of things (I'm looking at you Wii remote sleeves!) I can appreciate their inclusion.

Why it RoX:
- Good value for the money
- Two ways to store your cartridges
- The firm outer case provides better protection
- Zippers open without excessive force
- Included screen protector
- Back protector works with stock dock

What could be improved
- The jellies felt slimy and weird to me
- Back protector did not work with 3rd party docks such as the Hyperkin S64 Dock.

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