UPDATE - Retro Fighters Cancels Duelist Controller For Smash Bros Ultimate on Switch - For Now

4 years ago

In this video, we have an unfortunate update for the Retro Fighters Duelist Controller.

On 6/9/2020, Retro Fighters announced a new Kickstarter for what they were promising to be a top controller for the Nintendo Switch. The Duelist, as they were calling it, was designed to be the top Super Smash Bros. Ultimate controller. I backed it as soon as I saw what it was, and was thrilled to do so. In less than 2 days the Kickstarter was fully funded and we were moving on to the next tiers. But on the morning of 6/11/20 we got an email saying the Kickstarter had been canceled. What they shared was the following:

Thank you for all your support, we appreciate it greatly!

While we did surpass our goal of $13,000.00 (thanks to you guys!) we feel that we need to make some modifications and adjustments to improve the overall layout, design and functionality of the Duelist controller.

We at Retro Fighters listen to all feedback and constructive criticism and only want to deliver the best possible product with whatever we do, so at this time we will be canceling the Kickstarter for the Duelist Switch controller.

We will be pushing off the production of this product to a future date until we can make the necessary changes needed to better improve this product.

Again, we appreciate all who have backed us and we look forward to delivering great things for 2020 and beyond! Thank you!

We have also included a feedback/survey link for our backers if you'd like to fill it out, this will give us additional insight into what features you'd like to see in the future for this project, you can fill it out here:

This will greatly help us in improving this project when we release it later this year.

Thank you so much and we appreciate your time and support!

While I am disappointed to see the Duelist Kickstarter canceled, the project itself is moving forward. Eventually, we'll get an even more refined controller, with more and better features in the future. Once it goes live, I promise to once again back the project and share updates when that happens. Until then, we'll anxiously await the launch of the Duelist in the coming months. .

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