Touched By Prayer- Michael and Gordana Van Vlymen

1 year ago

Michael Van Vlymen received a series of visitations from the Lord Jesus beginning in 2009 expressly about the subject of spiritual sight. The Lord showed Michael how we see and the reasons some do not see, and taught him in the most simple and straight-forward way how a believer's spiritual eyes can be opened. Michael was led by the Lord through a prophetic word to write what he had been taught so that others could also benefit.

Michael wrote the book How to See in the Spirit and since releasing it in 2013, has received thousands of testimonies from those whose eyes have been opened. 

Since then, Michael with his wife Gordana have been traveling throughout the world equipping believers to fulfill their calling in Christ. Tune in as we discuss the keys you need that will help YOU breakthrough into walking in a supernatural life!
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