Melbourne - John Caine Arena - 29 03 2023 - Obama

1 year ago

Awarded for being less intelligent than they look.
Display image Top Left - Does not want to be recorded in public.
Top Right - Liar deceiver who has an over active imagination who lies about things as he goes along and he is a harassing annoying unwanted lying pest.
Maybe he has a mental health problem called confabulation.
With the distorted faces he makes, I thought he has a problem with dealing with reality and comprehending the obvious - He can not accept the truth of reality no matter how obvious it is.
Bottom Left - Guy who does not know what he is talking about and was brought over because of the liar at the top right image.
Bottom Right - jamie, it starts recording me directly, then comes and runs into me, then turns around and puts his back to me and steps on my foot and walks backwards into me to try and trip me over. Why I know this complete and total tosser is called jamie is because after this tosser walked backwards into me - its handler called out to it by name calling out " jamie - jamie" to come towards them and to not harass me, which you may hear on the video. jamie and its handler walked back and forth a few times between different entrances, why I know is because I saw it a few other times after this incident, I called out to jamie after this incident, but it ignored me that time, though I did not show him afterwards in the video after this incident.

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