The way a dog drinks . Thirsty dog ​​drinking

1 year ago

The way a dog drinks. Thirsty dog ​​drinking
Dogs drink by dipping their tongue into their water, which causes a column of water to fly upwards that a precisely timed bite captures. The next time your dog heads to his bowl for a drink, take a second to appreciate his mastery of fluid dynamics as he gulps down a gulp after he's eaten

They supposedly drink by rolling their tongues toward their chin, and using the bottom surface as a spoon to collect the liquid. ... Fortunately, the tip of the tongue also pulls up a column of water, and before this collapses, the dog closes its mouth around it. This is exactly what cats do.

Dogs do not have a full set of cheeks, which you can find in humans, horses, and elephants. Because of the anatomical structure of a dog's mouth, they cannot make suction to drink. Therefore, they have to rely on their tongue to drink water.

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