Soul Gems with Mark Borax: Synchronicity: Messages from the Grand Design

1 year ago

One way the greater spiritual forces gain our attention is through synchronicities.

They may astound you and help you realize that there is a grand design, that things are not just chaotic and dysfunctional on a macro level.

One of my greatest synchronicities happened when I had first gotten together with my girlfriend, Dana. She later became the mother of my first child. While we were together, I was sitting in her bedroom reading her journal (with her permission). I came across a sentence that had been written in August of the previous year. On the same day in August of that year, I too had written that exact same, very specific sentence in my journal. Even the commas were in the same place!

You can’t have many of these synchronicities throughout your life and go on thinking that the universe is cold, void, detached, and uncaring. You have to feel there is some higher order and find ways to align with it rather than fight it.

What synchronicities have you experienced?

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