Genesis 2, Life in God's Garden. Beebarf's Bible Study #doandroidsdreamofelectricjesus

1 year ago


Genesis 2 is finally done! Everyone who watches, I really appreciate ya’ll. As always, big thanks to Mike Winger and Trinity Radio. Another great resource I'd like to shout out today (in case I forgot in the past), Daily Disciple. Isaac is an amazing guy and I'm glad he's a brother in Christ. I truly hope that my son grows up to be a Christian man like he is. Sorry for being cheesy ya’ll, I'm just super grateful for all the new people in my life. Getting myself and one of my kids baptized Sunday after Easter and am so excited.


Hit me up on all the socials if you so choose.


FB: Beebarf's Bible Study

YouTube: The Domestic Engineer @beebarfthebard

Instagram: bee_barf_the_bard

TikTok (for now): @beebarf_the_bard


Thanks again truly to anyone giving this the time of day. I am so excited to be learning about the good word and our Lord and I want to share that excitement with others. I'm hoping to have other types of content up some day. I love you all!


God Bless!


Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

‎@MikeWinger @DailyDisciple @BraxtonHunter

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