Compromised: Drugs, Clinton, Bush, and the CIA :Ex-CIA Spook Terry Reed

1 year ago

Ex-CIA Spook Terry Reed says the 2-time US ATTORNEY GENERAL William P Barr was his secret CIA contact in the 1980's using the fake name ROGER JOHNSON.

The LaRouche Connection - Host Jeffrey Steinberg.
This program discusses the Iran-Contra affair in brief as it relates to pilot Terry Reed's involvement - who authored the book "Compromised - Clinton, Bush and the CIA"- and is joined on the program with his co-author - John Cummings and lawyer, Robert Maloney.

This sordid affair in American history has many tentacles, one that claims that cocaine was brought into America by none other that Lt. Col. Oliver North among others, and was the genesis of the crack cocaine epidemic that hit the streets of America starting in the early to mid-1980's. Later on, San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb penned a lengthy in-depth series of articles that told much more.

Mr. Reed claims that there were flights into Mena, Arkansas, while President Clinton, was then Governor of Arkansas.
Rare Barry Seal video interview in this documentary.

Terry Reed

Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA- Terry Reed, John Cummings
The first documented expose of Bill Clinton's involvement in illegal government activity includes alleged evidence that George Bush was lying when he said he was out of the loop regarding Iran-Contra activities.
556 pages, Hardcover- First published February 1, 1994

George HW Bush's children were involved in the cocaine shipping and Barry Seal had photographs of it (Protection). Barry knew he had a hit contract out on him by the Columbians. Barry Seal told Terry Reed this and he died 2 months after that.
Terry became a liability as he was not bringing in the money and these people were scoundrels so he took his family and hid for 6 months. Bill Clinton as Governor did not want someone like Terry Reed who knew A LOT to be in his state of Arkansas.

41:23 Terry Reed says Attorney Robert Johnson worked for a company that was a CIA front and as it turns out that Robert Johnson was William P Barr or William Pelham Barr the Attorney General of the US. Terry knew Robert Johnson as an attorney. Terry met William P Barr in Arkansas in spring of 1986. And it turns out Robert Johnson turned out to be George HW Bushs Attorney General.

Terry Reed talked to Col Oliver North in 1983 and they were both passionate about eliminating COMMUNISM. He says he found out that George HW Bush and his inner circle believed President Reagan was a threat to world peace and security.

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