Joshua 16-18 | They Did Not Utterly Drive Them Out

1 year ago

Joshua 16-18 describes the division of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel.

In chapter 16, we see the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim, while in chapter 17, we see the inheritance of Manasseh. Chapter 18 describes the remaining seven tribes receiving their portions of the land, including Judah, Benjamin, and Simeon.

One of the main themes in the book of Joshua is the importance of driving out the people who currently inhabited the land of Canaan. This is because God had promised this land to the Israelites as their inheritance, and the presence of other people who worshipped other gods and engaged in immoral practices would be a temptation for the Israelites to turn away from God.

In Joshua 16-18, we see that the Israelites have successfully taken control of much of the land, but there are still pockets of resistance. Joshua urges the remaining tribes to continue their efforts to drive out the people and take full possession of the land.

Furthermore, the failure to drive out the inhabitants of the land had long-term consequences for the Israelites. As we see later in the book of Judges, the Israelites began to intermarry with the people of the land and adopt their practices, leading to a period of moral and spiritual decline. This highlights the importance of obeying God's commands completely and avoiding compromise with the world around us.

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