Warning: The Internet Version of The Patriot Act... On Steroids is Here (S.686)

1 year ago

Establishment Democrats and Republicans claim S. 686, otherwise known as the RESTRICT Act, would ban China’s TikTok app in the U.S to protect the American people from communist subversion.

But in reality, the bill would greatly expand the U.S. government’s domestic surveillance powers, ironically mirroring the Chinese Communist Party’s methods of spying on its own people.

This is nothing more than the internet version of the Patriot Act. An act; if one is wise to remember, paved way for the government; to spy and target individuals after the events of 9 11.

Here is what Alex Jones has to say on the matter, along with the thoughts of other concerned voices. This is a call to speak up against this bill; and have your voices be heard, before it is too late.

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