Saucey Rap - Therapy For A-Holes

1 year ago

Sometimes when I have a lot to say I write a rap about it. Here's my latest little ditty...
I'm in my Optimus prime it's the optimal time
to transform and leave these Decepticons behind
So many intense thoughts can't easily be defined
I'm like a concubine whose trying to panama
I'm doing trust falls during a circle jerk,
flat on my ass because that shit don't work
I'm Wolverine before he went berserk
before the Adamantium was ripped from his neural network
Social media is such a fucked up dichotomy
Making me hate some kid who sat next to me in geometry
Why do I even care or let this bullshit bother me
Stopping me from becoming the man I oughta be
Now here I am heart on my sleeve, cling to the things that I can't cleave
Strapped down 11th hour waiting for a reprieve from an uncaring world that is done with me
Done with me in my dungarees same goatee and haircut since 93- Evolve or die is what the philosophers say just hand me the hemlock so I can drift away
Been called a heretic for my deeds,
an embarrassment by those who raised me
So erase me from the equation then add both sides
You might find the results are to beautiful to hide
We're in our Amazon prime to buy into the absurd lie that our lives can be defined by the products we buy.
I'm an old school Democrat the last of my kind a Greek punk rocker the last in the line
The next Metaverse will be as bad as the first
Inception, insurrection, recession, stagnation. global wars and inflation
Algorithms control the Darkseid of our soul with their Anti-Life equation
The Goldilocks planet's now abandon
it's grown to hot to be inhabited except for a few mutant marauders and savages battling
with pointy sticks over the last head of cabbage
I'm ravaged by famine a ravenous cannibal scavenging like Hannibal crossing the Alps
With 12 elephants relaying on stealth invading Rome before it became Constantinople and fell.
Profiteers sell fears for click bait hits
Were all hamsters trapped on this Mobius Strip
A modern day Sodom and Gomorrah
as teenage girls stare into their iPhones in front of Sephora
We're locked in a detox box with Elon Musk, watching Twitter and Tesla go bust
It's time to burn the whole system down cause you can't raise like a phoenix until there's ashes on the ground.

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