Chemtrails: The Secret War

1 year ago

This is a fantastic Italian documentary with English subtitles that exposes like few others have, the REAL source of man-made "climate change," which is not the Gas of Life, carbon dioxide, nor the methane produced by cow farts, nor the nitrogen in a farmer's fertilizer. That's just a lame cover story, which is being used to confuse the public and herd us into new feedlots of control and exploitation that our unelected overlords (the thirteen central banking families who own this world) want to herd us into.
The REAL man-made climate change that we have witnessed over the past three decades has been caused by secret weather modification programs that our government and many others around the world have been engaged in since Edward Teller, the inventor of the Hydrogen Bomb, first suggested that aluminum and other substances be added to jet fuel back in the 50s, not only to control the weather, but to achieve to long list of other nefarious objectives that the ruling elite have had for a long time now. None of which are beneficial, either to our planet or to the people and creatures that are living upon it.

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