Goliath Discs Cinematic (Directors Cut)

1 year ago

Check out Goliath Discs to get yours today! https://www.goliathdiscs.com/

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â–ºWebsite - www.StoryTellerFilmCo.com

Hey Everyone! My name is Travis Conover. I am an Actor, Writer, Producer and the owner of StoryTeller Film Company. What you're about to watch are samples or ideas that will eventually turn into larger films or just ideas I've had throughout my acting career that I know want to bring to life! I hope you enjoy.

Thank you everyone!

Make sure to follow me on social Media!!
â–º Instagram - https://instagram.com/travis_conover/

Want to work with me?
â–º Inquiries - storytellerfilmco@gmail.com

We specialize in action, adventure and dramatic films.

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