Daniel and Revelation. Sat.25th March 2023 10am Brother E. Rainney

1 year ago

Righteousness by faith
Pat. and Prophets chapter 59 The 1st king of Isreal.
We must live by God's principles and not man's reasoning.
Theocracy =God governs you in your religious and civil matters
the priest rules in the name of God
Daniel was able to submit unto Nebachannazzer because God ruled over Daniel
We were to keep church and state separated.
We are not to put the leaders (king Saul) before God. Saul showed righteousness through works. (the rich ruler vs the thief on the cross)
Adam and Eve fell away from God because of their own lusts.
All good gifts came from God and not your own works.
Daniel 8 We brought apostasy into our worship.
As long as we keep the 2 principles we can stand , if not we fall.
Righteousness by faith.Our efforts to find our source of righteousness which is the Godhead and their promise to make us righteous by eradicating sin in our lives with Christ's help and not ourselves.

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