Putting Joy Rich on Notice Maricopa County Manager of the crime by actors under color of law

1 year ago

I was up all night, I couldn't sleep after my babies were stolen by criminals acting under color of law and who did collude, conspire, and racketeer to deprive my daughters and my Rights.
This goes against the Spirit of America! https://youtu.be/YaxGNQE5ZLA

Looks like We Americans are right back to the same conditions we were in 1776!


All Power is inherent in the People.
The People created the state & Our original Constitutions.
BAR criminals revised Our original Constitutions.
We the People never delegated any authority to Congress or anyone else to create a Municipality or a Municipal citizen.
Our original Constitutions still stand and We the People can lawfully stand upon Our original Constitutions.
I stand upon the Declaration of Independence and the 1776 Constitution which was ordained & elected on July 4th 1776, at Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
My Colors and standing are shown by the Seal of the People of Pennsylvania, land where i was born!
By the Power invested in me, Pennsylvanian and American who stands with the Republic, I demand my daughters back in my care forthwith!

Trudel :Mary 3.28.2023

Sarah at the Chandler Police Department told me that she has to go through all of the police body cam footage before it can be released to me and that it will take between 45-60 days.
So she can edit it of course!
Where's the TRANSPARENCY???

This is all organized crime

This call was made to the crime boss overseeing these child traffickers!

Notice of Public Evidence

Signed~ Trudel: Mary, natural woman/mother

"End the EU, INC. and DOD, INC., both, and put an end to the illegal "custodial" military occupation of The United States, Japan, seventeen western European countries and the entire former Commonwealth. All our countries have been illegally occupied and we, Americans, have been bearing 96% of the cost of defending all those countries and occupying them. It's a lose-lose for everyone involved, except of course, the criminal Municipal Corporations that have foisted all this off on everyone and their British Territorial co-conspirators.

If the United Nations Organization was ever worth salt, then by all means, all the national delegations need to stand up in arms against this gross commercial criminality and the attendent illegal military occupations.

The entities responsible for causing all these problems are all organized as commercial corporations in the business of providing essential government services. They don't have contracts and we don't need these crooks bilking us and injuring us to profit themselves.

What needs to happen is for these run amok Municipal Corporations to be permanently liquidated and their assets returned to the control of actual national governments, not more corporations acting "as" governments.

Under Ecclesiastical Law, the Pope and the Roman Curia are responsible for the existence and operations of these Legal Fiction Entities they have created and which they own ---- and all of them are subject to immediate liquidation upon demand when they engage in "unlawful" activities detrimental to the substantive rights and interests of living people.

We demand the liquidation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, INC., the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC., the MUNICIPALITY OF WASHINGTON, DC. and all associated incorporated affiliates, franchises, parent corporations, subsidiaries, and governing boards and trustee organizations.

All British Territorial -- that is, incorporated Mercenary Forces -- need to be withdrawn from The United States, the former Commonwealth countries, and the occupied nations of Western Europe and Japan --- without any arguments. They, their False Claims of "custodial interest", their military districts, and their military district courts all need to be shut down and the associated corporations liquidated with the assets being returned to the actual owners -- the people and national governments of the offended countries.

The American Armed Forces will be reconstituted immediately as a national defense force and returned to their natural status as an honorable national soldiery. Their only job will remain as stated in our venerable Constitutions --- to defend this country and our people and our borders --- and not to make a mockery of "defense" by using it as an excuse to invade other countries and to engage in racketeering at home and war-profiteering abroad.

The egregious lies told by these Municipal Corporation managers and employees to the American People and to people around the world, must be admitted -- whether these are scientific hoaxes, or False Flags, or false commercial claims that have led to impersonation and illegal and unlawful seizure of our assets, including our credit, and unlawful securitization of our living flesh.

We are not interested in hearing any fanciful stories. We wish for these Municipal Corporations to be liquidated, their employees dismissed except for those needed to provide a safe transition, and a peacable resolution that doesn't involve more death and ignorance.

Additional information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court, in regard to our claims of March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq: 

How the War-Profiteering Scheme Has Been Worked

It began in Britain with "King" Henry the Eighth.  Those who have always paid attention know that no such thing as a true, singular "King" has existed in Britain since 1087 A.D. and so, Henry VIII like his immediate predecessors and successors, was actually acting as the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth interests in Britain.  

Henry VIII may have been a "King" in the Holy Roman Empire, but not in Britain. He may have been a "King" in France, too, just like Elizabeth II was a Queen---- in Greece.  

It's time for the British school curriculum to be updated accordingly and for the British people to remember the actual source of their freedom and property rights ---- The Norman Settlement and The Magna Carta.

Henry VIII sponsored the illegal and immoral and unlawful "Enclosure Acts" that began the destruction of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and the erasure of the property rights and political status of the people in these countries as free men and women. 

Thankfully, because "King" Henry VIII was acting in fraud, all those Acts can now be erased and the substantive property assets returned to the heirs of the victims. 

Note the true Maxim of Law:  No action arises from fraud. 

No action.  None.  Zero.  All the way back to the roots of the original fraud which began in England with Henry VIII and the Enclosure Acts. 

The actual and true Kings of England gave the people The Magna Carta and The Magna Carta stands no matter how many liars and apologists might appear for the Pope and his Municipal and Territorial Corporations. 

So, having ascertained the beginning of the implementation of The Great Fraud we are now in position to view the end of it.  

Today, "King" Charles is still in the same position as "King" Henry ---and "King" John long before either one of them.  He stands as a foreign usurper operating as an Overseer for the Pope's Commonwealth interests in Britain and is not any actual British Monarch at all. Like his Mother, "King" Charles has instead occupied the Chair of the Estates --- acting as titular head of the Pope's Municipal and British Crown corporation interests.  

Every single one of these foreign Municipal and British Crown corporations, including but not limited to "the UK, INC.", have engaged in illegal, immoral, and unlawful "mercenary war" for the better part of four hundred years and they all need to be liquidated, with the purloined assets being returned to the possession and control of the people of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and the many other countries impacted by these swindlers. 

Fast forward to the more modern mechanics of the banks and the phony governments operated as commercial service corporations.

After the so-called "American Civil War" the British Territorial "United States" Government deliberately misrepresented the American Government and reported that we were "missing" "assumed to be "in interregnum" --- and they asserted a false "custodial trust interest" in us and our assets until our "return".  

Using this excuse and not telling us a word about it, they imported their own "Territorial" military -- the equivalent of the "Raj" in India -- and established foreign military districts overlaying our States, and foreign military district courts, which were actually private corporate bill collection organizations in the business of collecting "war reparations". 

See the actions of the Territorial "Congress" in May of 1865 to see how they set up these Carpetbagger Courts and ran these foreign military tribunals as commercial corporation "courts"--- illegally, with no contract and no authorization to do any of this, all under color of law, without disclosure to the American People.  They have continued this outrage to the present day, which has resulted in our counter-claims.

They followed the same basic game plan in overtaking the Commonwealth nations and later, the nations of Western Europe and Japan. They claimed that the natural national government had "disappeared" or "failed to appear" and so, they claimed that they had a "custodial trust interest" ---  all without providing disclosure to the actual people living in these countries and without any actual contract.

In the name of "defending" all these illegally occupied territories, the guilty Municipal Corporations and Territorial Officers responsible, have created and engaged in no less than 250 armed mercenary conflicts under color of law and pretense of defense.  They have also engaged liberally in political manipulation, repeatedly deposing popular elected governments in favor of whatever suited their commercial corporation profit motives.  

The BRITISH CROWN CORPORATION, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CORPORATION, MUNICIPALITY OF WASHINGTON, DC and affiliated British Crown corporations such as the United States of America Corporation, have all been engaged in these nefarious, treasonous, criminal, racketeering and profiteering schemes.  

The expense of all these commercial mercenary "wars" have been passed on to the American States and People, while the profits have been siphoned off or rat-holed in "federal pension funds" and other Slush Funds controlled by the Perpetrators. No public accounting or disclosure of any of this has been provided to the General Public of this country -- the purportedly "missing" Americans who have been universally coerced to perform under color of law, been illegally and unlawfully registered together with their private property, and also illegally and unlawfully securitized as collateral for the debts of these criminals. 

In addition to the money these Municipal Corporations and Territorial Officers made promoting all these illegal commercial mercenary "wars" for profit, and foisting off the bills for all this on their purportedly "absent" employers, they also passed on the expense of occupying all these "foreign territories" to the American States and People, resulting in the creation of over 950 military bases worldwide and charging the "defense" expenses of all these illegally occupied countries to us.  

Thus, these Municipal Corporations and their Territorial Officers have had zero expenses while promoting all these crimes against their purported employers, and have retained control of our assets and credit and all the profits of their racketeering and profiteering activities "in our names"--- and all under Color of Law and False Pretenses.  

They have done this to Britain, The United States, the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen Western European countries, and Japan simply by telling Big Lies and pretending that no civilian governments were present----then using this to assert a "protective custodial interest" until such time as the national civilian governments "reappeared".  

It's pretty hard to "reappear" when you haven't gone anywhere and without having been made aware that you were ever missing.  

A key part of this unholy scheme was provided by the banks, especially the so-called "central banks" that turned a blind eye to all of this, in order to profit from it.  They knew better, but they did a little back room "wink-wink" accommodation and allowed the perpetrators of this vast multi-generational fraud scheme to access our credit and lock down our assets in "Global Collateral Master Accounts" and "Economic Security Funds" and "Economic Stabilization Funds" and all recorded and maintained via  different colored screens on bank terminals worldwide.  

The only purpose that "central banks" have is an illegal one--- and that is, to control the supply of commodities, including "money" and "credit".  While these institutions have been allowed to exist using the excuse that their activities would prevent bank runs and panics and supply shortages, and would serve to control inflation and deflation, this has not proven to be true.  

Since the creation of the Global Federal Reserve Banking System in a bought-and-paid for international enclave within the borders of Switzerland, the world has endured innumerable commercial mercenary "wars", currency crashes, asset thefts, depressions, illegal military confiscations, and illegal and unlawful confiscations of private assets, gross manipulation of so-called "public trust interests", and perhaps most damning, purposeful inflation of national currencies and credit theft and other manipulations that cannot be justified by any public benefit. 

The Swiss Government is responsible for harboring these pirates and promoting crime in other countries as well as their own. 

We demand the liquidation of all Central Bank Corporations in recognition of the fact that they have illegally and unlawfully seized upon our assets and credit and made the same available to known criminals operating as Municipal Corporations run by Territorial Officers, the fact that the purpose of central banks is intrinsically illegal and unlawful control of trade and commodity supplies, and finally, their complete failure to provide any public benefit whatsoever to anyone but their co-conspirators in these explicit crimes against humanity.  

All assets held by all the central banks must be released and returned to the living people and national governments of the living people to whom these assets belong.  The banks themselves need to be liquidated with prejudice and replaced by institutions that distribute pre-paid credit back to the victims of these crimes and we, the living people of this planet, must receive back our assets ---both our physical assets and our credit assets.   

The role of the banks in general, including such venerable institutions as The Bank of England and The Bank of Scotland, and their insurance partners, Lloyd's of London and Barclay's, in promoting and profiting from these outrageous corporate fraud schemes has to be recognized.  

None of this took place in a vacuum.  

Those who make their money off of war, death, and destruction will continue to promote war, death, and destruction until their corporations are liquidated and they, themselves, are exposed to full personal and commercial liability for their actions. The most expeditious route to a peaceful and productive future for humanity, is to make war and crimes of other kinds, unprofitable. 

The actual American Government has been restored and has "reappeared" in the form of fifty properly declared, published, and organized state Assemblies that are not part of any "district" or "district government", not any Municipal district or franchise, either --- our State Assemblies, like our States, are unincorporated.  

In view of the great harm that the living people of this planet have experienced at the hands of run amok commercial corporations, especially Municipal and Territorial Corporations operated as service providers, manufacturers, and as banks, we believe that incorporated entities need to be permanently barred from participation in government and prevented from making campaign donations to candidates in general. 

We also believe that the Ecclesiastical Courts responsible for these Legal Fiction Entities need to be much more available to the Public, just as the role and responsibility of the Pope and the Roman Curia as the Principals responsible for the oversight, discipline, and liquidation of these Legal Fictions needs to be fully disclosed to the General Public --- to those most likely to be harmed, defrauded. robbed, or even murdered by these Municipal Corporations and their Territorial Overseers. 

We recognize the difficulty now faced by the Perpetrators who have usurped against the lawful governments of so many countries.  By secretively disabling so many national governments they are now faced with the necessity of expediting the "return" of the national governments to full function and control---- knowing that the lawful British Government has been incapacitated for at least 400 years and the American Government was in limbo land for 160 and other national governments have similarly been "misrepresented" by these criminal commercial corporation usurpers -----we can nonetheless strive for a peaceful, rapid, and permanent return to sanity, justice, and good government. 

The banks that have been dealing in fictional currencies are faced with a similar dilemma that can only be solved by the issuance of prepaid credit in limited amounts and the re-introduction of actual silver and gold-backed currencies. As the value of our credit was slowly stolen from us via the silent "tax" of inflation it must be returned according to us and our best interests, so as to maintain the value of the credit owed.  We have chartered an institution, The Global Family Banks, to provide this service to humanity, regardless of where on Earth anyone may live.  This is a completely transparent and philanthropic means to return value to the victims and their lawful heirs.

We do not approve of "digital currencies" which are a means to surveil and control and politically manipulate people by unauthorized, unelected commercial corporations offering to act as "governments" again; as we said yesterday and as we repeat, thanks, but no thanks.  We don't need to have our employees surveilling which brand of toothpaste we prefer or attempting to turn us into Genetically Modified Organisms or curtailing our right and ability to buy, sell, trade, or do anything else we have a natural right to do. 

Any attempt by any commercial corporation to establish a monopoly, control of our access to money, to our own assets, or to our credit, will be met with immediate demand for their liquidation.  

Similarly, we object to the RESTRICT "Act" which in any case is a piece of corporate legislation being pushed by criminals attempting to censor free speech in this country.  

The Air Jurisdiction above our land and soil belongs to us and has belonged to us since 1787.  It does not belong to the Municipal Corporations that are under liquidation demand.  These commercial "service" corporations have no authority and no contract to interfere with our access to and enjoyment of the internet or any other technological development that makes use of our public air waves and air space which we may find beneficial. 

Likewise, they have no authority or contract to censor us or make determinations about the veracity of our opinions or facts we may bring forward for public examination and debate.  

We demand the liquidation of all Municipal and Territorial Corporations that have denied our contractual Guarantees and violated our substantive rights including Facebook, Paypal, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and the ouster of current members of the Territorial Congress who have created and supported the "RESTRICT" legislation, which is antithetical to freedom of any kind, including freedom of the mind and freedom of communication.  

The idea that any Municipal Corporation or Territorial Corporation, either one, could ever derive any right to disobey the Public Law and trample on the Constitutional Guarantees owed to the American states and People, while making use of our airspace and airwaves, and profiting themselves via the use of our public resources, is loony.  

These corporations need to be shut down and placed under new management agreeable to the Public Law and the Guarantees we are owed.  Either that, or liquidated outright and their major Shareholders and Board Members arrested for attempted deprivation of rights under color of law and similar offenses. 

We are not a "democracy" and never have been.  Despite the endless propaganda effort talking endlessly about "our democracy", America is not a democracy.  The District of Columbia, a Municipal Corporation, is run as a democracy.  

July 16th, 1790.  The First District of Columbia Act.  Continental Congress set aside the ten mile square "territory" of the District of Columbia as the land to be used by all three (3) of the newly created "Federal Government" subcontractors, and to serve as the seat of their Territorial District Government. 

February 27th, 1801.  The Second District of Columbia Act undertaken by the Territorial Congress set up two counties, established town governments for the communities in the affected area, and provided for their own district officials and judges. 

This Second District of Columbia Act has repeatedly been referred to as the District of Columbia Organization Act (as indeed it was) and as the "Charter Act of the District of Columbia" which established it as a municipality--- by the members of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

A final Supplementary Act on March 3, 1801, made the U.S. Marshals responsible for local law enforcement in the District of Columbia enclave. 

Since 1801 the "District of Columbia" has been recognized as a "territory" of these United States (not the Municipal United States), and as a Municipal Corporation with its own separate government and the right to sue and be sued as a commercial corporation. 

It's from this original Municipal Government Corporation that all the other Municipal Corporations associated with the District of Columbia derive. 
In 1877, as a result of malfeasance by members of the Territorial Congress, the Municipality of Washington, DC, was issued a separate Municipal Charter, creating a "Municipality within a Municipality". 

The original District Charter was broadly allowed under the terms of the Peace Treaties ending The War of Independence, and then required by The Constitution of the [Territorial] United States of America. The second Municipal Charter was not envisioned at all by any part of this peace process nor allowed by the Use Permit issued by the states of Maryland and Virginia, which did not authorize the creation of a separate, independent, international city-state on their shores -- or ours.  

For more than a hundred years the Municipal Corporation of Washington, DC, has been in existence and apologists for this have claimed that the "plenary powers" established for the members of the Territorial Congress acting as the Washington, DC Government allowed the formal creation of a separate, independent, international city-state on our shores; we disagree and add this to the long list of criminal usurpations by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and its members against us. 

At no time during the Constitutional discussions leading up to the adoption of the Federal Constitutions ---and this section of them in particular--- was there any suggestion that Washington, DC, would ever be a separate and independent international city-state, nor any hint that the delivery of "plenary powers" over Washington, DC granted to members of the Territorial Congress was intended for any such purpose.

Instead, the explicit purpose of the Washington, DC Government was to ensure that all the States and Federal Subcontractors and foreign nations could have a safe and neutral meeting place to conduct business. Period.

That was the duty and responsibility given to the members of the Territorial (District) Congress along with the plenary power to enforce it.  Article 1 section 8 clause 17 ten miles square!
Then as now, the intent of the grant or contract is essential and may not be bypassed, just as any duty settled upon any Congress cannot be handed over to unelected Agencies and Subcontractors. 

Once again, they, the members of the Territorial (District) Congress overstepped their authority and the purpose we had in granting that authority, to create an illegal, immoral, and unlawful  hegemony for themselves, which they have used to impersonate us and usurp against our lawful authority ever since the 1870's. 

The Municipal corporation fraudulently acting as government operating as "the United States" is not The United States, or The United States of America.  

The Municipality of Washington, DC, needs to be liquidated together with its separate Municipal Corporation, and all ideas that it is or can be an independent, international city-state need to be abandoned; we granted the members of the Territorial (District) Congress plenary control of Washington, DC for a specific purpose, which they evaded and twisted in blatant disregard of their Use Permits and constitutional contracts. 

It is the responsibility of the members of the Territorial Congress to dissolve that separate, unintended and unauthorized independent, international city-state and come into compliance with their own contracts and duties, stop impersonating The United States of America, as "the United States" and now THE White House, otherwise Cease and Desist all hostile acts and usurpations against their Employers. 

Those are our purse-strings, not theirs, and every bank and every "federal" officer and citizen of any stripe whatsoever, including the members of the Territorial (District) Congress, are hereby given Notice of their contractual obligations and the limits of their authority with regard to all the matters addressed herein.  

And those Presidents of Territorial (District of Columbia) federal corporation instead, a distinction that many Americans were totally unaware of then or now.  The Territorial corporation masquerading as "government" presides over the District of Columbia Territory and is a Municipal Corporation styling itself as a democracy since 1801.  

This is the entity that Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of and that's why they describe him as "President of the United States of America" instead of "President of the United States" --- Joe Biden's equally foreign Municipal Corporation office. 

My point to Americans and everyone else worldwide is that these Municipal commercial "services" corporations are not our Government known as the original The United States of America. 

They are Subcontractors of a federal corporation ---at best, and the evidence we've examined indicates that they are nothing but run amok Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, trying to assert that they are "Successors" to our Constitutional Contracts without the nicety of fulfilling and honoring those contracts. 

We allowed the District of Columbia Territory to exist.  We allowed them to charter their Municipal Corporation and organize their separate federal corporate functions, only to have our erstwhile employees usurp against their employers and benefactors. They have done so under the misdirection of foreign Principals who likewise owe us "good faith" and "service".  

The good news is that America is still competent to bring its own nation states of the Union into Session and operate its organic states of the Union and we have the absolute right to enforce the original Constitutions on any would-be service provider, including any Municipal Corporations operating in or out of the District of Columbia.  

This is no doubt Big News to those who counted on us forgetting who we are and forgetting what we are owed and from whom; and, it's probably not exactly welcome news, either. 

The other Principals have been operating in Gross Breach of Trust for a century and a half  and stuffing their pockets with unjust enrichment from America and the Treaties signed thereof, the entire time.  They claimed a custodial interest in the People and America's Confederation of states and the Treaties signed thereby, and our assets that doesn't exist, and they lied to Americans and they lied about Americans to the entire rest of the world. 

for proof go to
www.avor.link / birth certificate fraud
and see how the PERSON was created by way of fraud.
Fraud vitiates all.

These False Claims and unlawful activities all result in injuries inflicted on innocent non-combatant civilian populations in violation of our Treaties, Constitutional Agreements, and International Law. 

We are therefore demanding the liquidation of these Municipal Corporations and the return of our assets including our land, our gold and silver, and everything else that we have paid for and which they have purloined and misused for war-profiteering abroad and racketeering against American People, at home.  

Charles Wilson left office in 1872, after a long attempt to reconnect with other Federation officials who had been murdered or forced to flee for their lives by marauding groups of thinly disguised Territorial "Union" cavalry acting in treasonous self-interested rebellion against the actual American People and their authorized Government of the states. 

The UN Corporation is also a Municipal Corporation based out of another illegally and unlawfully constructed independent international city-state.  

The actual landowner, New York, a member State of our Federation, has never acted to issue any lease permit or ownership interest in any land within the borders of New York to the United Nations Organization or any UN Corporation or variation on that theme. 

The United Nations enclave in New York is landless and stateless and cannot remain on our shores absent an agreement with the actual landowner. 

Not only that, but Jimmy Carter, acting as a President of a Municipal Corporation Subcontractor, dumped a whole bunch of phony Municipal CITIZEN assets into the lap of the UN Corporation as birth certificates and presumed to exist Municipal ESTATES transferred to the IMF back in 1980 as collateral backing the debts of the British Territorial version of the United States of America, Incorporated. 

Obviously, these are the same phony Municipal CITIZENS created out of thin air and legal presumptions that we have described throughout.  These franchises created under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure are null and void, and so is any presumption of ownership rights or obligations of Municipal citizenship related to these THINGS, named after Americans.

In other words, the UN Corporation / UN CORPORATION owns nothing in this country and is only being tolerated long enough to clarify the situation.  

Part of that clarification is that citizenship obligations cannot be conferred on Americans via any act of legislation. 

Our political status is established by the physical act of being born on the land and soil of one of our States of the Union, and if we are born at sea to an American Parent or two  American Parents, our status is still the same and we inherit our birth State through our Parent(s). 

This holds even if the Brits attempt to move the High Water Markers and scream that their Monarch is our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways; having a British Monarch as a Trustee on actual water, does not make us Wards of a Municipal State-of-State on dry land. 

This renders the actions of the Territorial Congress conferring Territorial U.S. Citizenship on the freed plantation slaves null and void, which also nullifies all later claims based on the same presumptions null and void.  

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for commercial predation.  The freed plantation slaves were not rendered "stateless" or available for "salvage" simply because a single State Assembly denied them the status of State Citizenship.  They were still American State Nationals from the moment they were born, and so are all of us.

This also renders all of Jimmy Carter's presumptions about the clearinghouse certificates he passed off to the IMF and UN null and void.  Those assets merely presumed to exist, were never his to sell or trade.  Just because Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the same mistake and got away with it, does not establish a legal or lawful precedent enabling more fraud.

So the UN Corporation / UN CORPORATION is left with a whole lot of wind from the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, just like everyone else.  

All the same provisions apply, generally speaking,  to all the former Commonwealth and Western European nations and others impacted by this gargantuan fraud scheme. They obtain their political status as a result of being born on the land and soil of their countries, and/or from the nationality of their parents, just as we do.  

Part of the most recent despicable action from these Municipal Corporations, including the UN Corporation / UN CORPORATION, the genocide by purportedly "safe and effective" vaccination against a non-existent infectious disease, deserves extra and special consideration and asking the question ---- just how far do these people think they can go and still get away with this program of enslaving and abusing and making false ownership claims against their fellow man?  

Where does both their arrogance and contempt end?  

We have exposed the fact that the Nazis, like the Tories, didn't just evaporate.  Wars and their outcomes have no ability to change bad beliefs and ignorant allegiances.  These unfortunate patterns can last for generations and become more entrenched as people double-down, unable to admit that, yeah, what we did or what we believed in was wrong, and we need to change.  

It's apparent from reading the UN Agenda 2021 and 2030 that the Nazis learned nothing from World War II, and that a significant number of them embedded in Germany and many other countries including but not limited to France, England, Switzerland, and yes, The United States, just continued to "believe" in the Superman claptrap and to act upon those bad beliefs in contempt for others and their right to live.  

It's also apparent from the pro-homosexual and bestialities and pedophilic program that the same Nazi Playbook is being repeated by the UN Corporation as Hitler used in Germany --- use the disrespected and disenfranchised members of the LGBTQ + Pedolphilia community as a means to power, let them come out of the closet and self-identify, just like Hitler's Brown Shirts, and then kill them all when they have served their purpose.  The United Nations (UN) just reported their purpose and pushed agenda of “civil authority” is to legalize sex with any one under the age of 18. That’s their goal.

It's also apparent that the Nazi Eugenicist just moved from Kassel to Warwickshire and went right on punting and publishing and polluting every mind they could pollute with their self-righteous and reckless political agenda wrapped in pseudo-science.  They've murdered millions upon millions of babies in their contempt for human life in general, and in their twisted realm, they continue to think that they are right, long after their lack of moral conscience and ethical compass has been demonstrated and proven by their own actions.

We've seen it all before.  We have no need to see it again.  

What's called for is shutting down these corporations, arresting their leaders, and forcing the banks to defund these criminal organizations, especially STATES, Chandler Police Department, Department of Child Services, WHO, INC., which has already demonstrated its complete incompetence and corruption, by its willingness to take money from the Gates Foundation and then stand by with their fingers in their ears while his "vaccinations" killed and maimed thousands in India and Africa.   

It's not just the criminals, it's the accomplices to the crimes. Like Joy Rich, Todd Lang, and Jay Alderman. 

It's the news agencies who failed to report on Bill Gates and his "vaccine" activities in India and Africa, and also didn't report on the World Bank's scandalous Pandemic Bonds, and all the Clerks at the United States Patent Office that allowed the patenting of criminal products and processes for profit.  

It's the members of the Territorial Congress back in the 1980's holding the vaccine manufacturers harmless for anything they  might put in their vaccines including dog dung and snake venom ----and also removing any liability for any effects their "vaccines" might have on helpless trusting people.  If any of the members of the Congress that passed these "laws"  are still alive, they need to be arrested for gross dereliction of duty and reckless endangerment of the public.  

It's those who took the money and went along to get along when they had good cause to know better, those who facilitated the crime like getaway car drivers, those who killed and maimed others for no better reason than scientific curiosity and payola,  the Agencies set as Watchmen who failed to sound off and colluded and expedited the crime instead, the "Department of Defense" under contract to protect us, feeding the coffers of the DOD, INC., instead, and DOD, INC., itself, which failed the whole reason for its existence in spectacular fashion.   

The whole thing, all these Municipal Corporations, top to bottom, first to last, have to go, including but not limited to the UN Corporation and the UN CORPORATION and all its various spin-offs, franchises, and would-be Successors.  

This is no way to establish a worldwide government in the interests of peace and health; and these closet Nazis pretending to be Democrats and pretending to be Republicans and pretending that their corporate shareholder elections are anything but corporate shareholder elections -----are certainly not people that anyone should trust, especially not after repeat performances of incompetence, corruption, criminality, dereliction of duty and gross uncaring.  

These are crimes, not political matters, and they have been carried out by Municipal Corporations acting in Breach of Trust and in violation of the Service Contracts that are the only basis for their existence and in violation of  international law and finally, resoundingly, in violation of the Ecclesiastical Law that allows these entities to exist. 

We wish for all these criminal Municipal Corporations that have been spawned worldwide to be permanently destroyed, their Officers and Boards of Directors arrested and charged with their crimes, their assets handed over to the national governments, and their access to physical assets and credit belonging to us and to the other nations impacted by this fraud, ended.  

If the banks want to collude with criminals, and don't want to open up the accounts owed to the national governments and the people of these nations, shut them down, too.  

We wish for the Indian Government to shut down the Municipal Corporation that they have chartered calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" for infringement on our venerable trademarks by a criminal organization.  

We wish for the United Nations Organization to broadcast this situation to all member nations and ask that nobody grants any charters to any incorporated entity infringing upon our names and trademarks. 

The United States of America is not incorporated.

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.  

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