Repetition and Routine For Success - 8 Of Clubs

1 year ago

Repetition and Routine For Success - 8 Of Clubs

Repetition, consistency, and routine only work until they don’t.

One day you wake up and realize you’ve stuck yourself in a rut.

You have the answers, you know the hows, and you’re going through the motions.

And you’re uninspired and bored to tears.

It’s okay to change things up.

It is safe to do things differently.

You can trust yourself to make the changes that will add fresh life to your business.

Your relationship with yourself is your strongest, most powerful guide.

Today you are invited to experience peace in your relationship with yourself and how you’re choosing to express.

Today you are invited to bring a little spring cleaning into your day-to-day routine.

Today you are invited to let go of the stubborn desire to hang on to old patterns and choose your most extraordinary path.

You don’t need to do things the way everyone else does them.

You don’t need to do things the way you’ve always done them.

Trust yourself, shake things up, and dust off the old to let in the new.

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