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The BBC Spews... Live!


  • 0/2000
  • Make Asylums Great Again

  • The LGBTQR=nonsense is the 2nd favourite religion we are encouraged to adore… the first is Islam … and the latter will no doubt outlive the former.

  • My mates mum said in their part of London they heard about a black man with a monkey an organ grinder, playing a couple of streets away. The kids all ran round there as quick as they could, not to see the monkey but the black man. They had never seen a person with black skin. Kids just being inquisitive like kids are

  • Really like your channel, I’ll be here looking for you Matt.

  • brilliant spew again matty 👍

  • love your channel

  • THE best channel on any social media.

  • A couple of connected points: Given that, in a traditional sense, 'colours' are associated with flags and banners (Coats of Arms, Trade Marks, etc); and given that the vast majority of the lunatic Left on social media are either members of the LGBT Community or women, it has to wondered how they think they would fair at the hands of the 'Black Community'. https://ctc.westpoint.edu/militant-imagery-project/0185/#:~:text=According%20to%20hadith%20(prophetic%20tradition,battle%20(i.e.%2C%20jihad).

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  • hi i am a proud TEESSIDER and anyone who remembers REEVES AND MORTIMER. said i heard a rumour about ,and then one would say i know i started it, well i am starting the FOOT AND MOUTH 2023 outbreak. bird flu been and gone and the anti meat lot. would love all that slaughter and fire in the fields. that,s if it was net zero fuel used.

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  • I don't usually condone violence, but the only way to put a stop to this exploding is for normal Alpha males to start giving this lot a good kicking now, whilst it's just beginning. We should have done the same when those ANTIFA pansies began kicking off. Put them down before it gets too big. It's a shame all the asylums were shut down.

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  • Think Matty,s been banned from youtube again....

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  • 'Life is a struggle in these changing times, thoughts once natural now classed as hate crimes'

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