CP$ a Title-IV D subcontracted company of a fraudulently created EXECUTIVE BRANCH

1 year ago

When I create Article of Incorporate,
I create 3 positions to operate and maintain that corporate entity,
1.) CEO (chief executor officer)
2.) CFO. (chief financial officer) &
3.) Board Members
who all meet once every 6 months and record their minutes with the
Secretary of State.

the United States when creating their Article of Incorporate
created an Executive Branch, House of Representatives, Congress,
Herein is the PROOF OF FRAUD!
in 1871 when "the United States" incorporated
(NOT "The United States of America". !!!) original Nation.
These wicked deceitful bankers and BAR attorneys who created this entity by way of fraud did so using a similar stylization of the original written construct of the actual Nation, written: "The United States of America"
Therefore, "the United States" corporation was dissolved in 2021
the corporate entity resurfaced as : "THE WHITE HOUSE"
THE White House is currently the corporate entity operating in fraud out of Puerto Rico!
If you read the United States Constitution it states clearly
the "State" is District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, Mariana, Samoa Islands.
Article 1 section 8 clause 17 clearly states that the venue and territorial area for that entity is ten miles square.

My argument is that a 2-ply/ 2 dimensional piece of paper cannot contain ANY real 3 dimensional living being Earth or Man.
That if a spell on paper can bind a living man and or living Land
that would possess supernatural powers and be witchcraft!

Therefore, just because you can write so~called meets & bounds and or a physically descriptive attributes of property does not validate the capturing thereof.

We as People need to realize that no corporation can own land.
We as People/ real men and women, need to realize that all of these "birth certificates, marriage certificates, real estate titles & deeds cannot have true power over the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman!

When a man is arrested
the court his using that fraudulently created birth certificate to create Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Hazard Bonds which are being liquidated by these Courts, all in fraud!
The body is being captured and held as surety to mature these fraudulent BOND$!!!
It's actually SLAVERY!
The truth of the matter is that not even these cops realize what their corporate employer are doing.
Some are aware of what and how these COMMUNISTS are doing in We the People's Courthouses
that they are operating in Fraud and creating a 92 BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY of annual returns, thereby making everyone of these "agents" and associates of these privatized prison systems rich by way of enslaving the American People under color of law!
81st Congress section 3123: "The American BAR Association is an International criminal syndicate of the Communist Party" (1950)

If the Court issues a WARRANT for the PERSON
well that is for the all capital lettered name that was created in fraud.
So theoretically, they could take that PERSON by way of capturing that BIRTH CERTIFICATE, because that is itself IS the actual PERSON!

Truth be told, none of these men even have their Trade Name Certificate to act in a corporate capacity. They are all acting in their own personal capacity.
Hale v. Hinkle
Clearfield Doctrine

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