Firsthand Witness My Story of Working Inside the Abortion Industry - Part 1 with Guest Abby Johnson

1 year ago

September 26, 2009, was the day that changed Abby Johnson’s life forever. On that date, she was working as a clinic administrator at Planned Parenthood when she was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Abby recounts to Dr. Tim Clinton the horror she felt as she watched a 13-week-old baby lose its life in the womb. From that traumatic event, she learned the awful truth about abortion, and decided to dedicate her life to helping women find a way out from the abortion industry and experience healing through her organization, And Then There Were None.

Guest Bio: Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson is the founder and CEO of And Then There Were None, a non-profit organization designed to help abortion clinic workers transition out of the industry. To date, this ministry has helped over 630 workers leave the abortion industry. Abby is also the founder of ProLove Ministries, an organization that connects resources and identifies blind spots in the pro-life movement, building unity to provide comprehensive strategies that promote the value of all life. She previously worked for Planned Parenthood for eight years, advancing through the ranks to become the clinic director in Bryan, Texas. In 2009, she walked away from her job after witnessing the abortion of a 13-week-old baby in the womb during an ultrasound-guided abortion. Abby holds a B.S. in psychology from Texas A&M University, and an M.A. in counseling from Sam Houston State University. She is the author of "Unplanned," "The Walls are Talking" and "Fierce Mercy." Abby and her husband, Doug, have eight children, and make their home in Austin, Texas.

Resources Mentioned/ Web Extras:
"Fierce Mercy: Daring to Live Out God's Compassion in Bold and Practical Ways" book by Abby Johnson
And Then There Were None -

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