Evanston City Council votes in favor of expanding its reparations program for Afro-American housing

1 year ago

African American residents living in Evanston, Illinois are now able to apply for cash reparations following an Evanston City Council decision to vote in favor of expanding its "Restorative Housing Program," which was reportedly created for the purpose of repaying black descendants for the "harm" their ancestors experienced due to housing segregation policies active between the years of 1919 and 1969. According to the City of Evanston's Reparations Committee website, the expansion of this housing program will become, "The first reparations initiative developed by the City of Evanston." The mission of this Restorative Housing Program, "acknowledges the harm caused to African-American/Black Evanston residents due to discriminatory housing policies and practices and inaction on the part of the City from 1919-1969."

Credit: 'City of Evanston Local Reparations Page'

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