15 min city is a distorted concept of urban planning

1 year ago

15 min city is a distorted concept of urban planning and has some good ideea in its core but also many bad ones. First of all the ideea of 15 min cities is not to check for papers so that people have less range in travelling. On the contrary. It should encourage more travelling but efficienly not everyone being fat, driving a car, having that car unhealthy lifestyle. In our urban areas the situation got so bad you see cars driving around everywhere, polluting, having accidents and in short being entitled spoiled brats with their cars. The ideea is not to fall into socialism and check everyone that enters an area. Also the ideea of having important stuff nearby is important because that would mean less car roads. For example jobs should be more close at home instead of driving for an hour just to get to the working space. Obviously that means less pollution, less money spent on gas, less time spent in traffick...
Areas around the cities are also DULL, Suburbia type where people have to go to cities to get something out of life. These Suburbian areas are also made by car driven lifestyle. That those areas are just filled with houses, a mall and everyone has a car thats it. If you want anything else in life you have to drive up to a city or plan a vacation far away from the area that you are in, because close by nothing happens its just more cities and suburbian lifestyle. So in a sense these car driven lifestyle people its no wonder that now everyone hates them (except those that continue to live that car lifestyle as well of course).
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