Team Value Wins: Flatten the Curve Flattened Our Economy, Bat Family [S1 | Ep. 32]

1 year ago

Team Value Wins: Flatten the Curve Flattened Our Economy, To Arrest or Not to Arrest, Covid Free Bat Family [S1 | Ep. 32]

The 32nd episode gets right into the show drip and sped up on the guys week. We find out both are Trekkies and Ewoks. We get a Loto surprise from Feeding Fresno, Cornerstone's food ministry that has fed millions throughout the years. The duo also had some time to check out a few documentaries.

News Makers and Breakers starts with a shutdown anniversary and break down of our banks. Followed by another look back at a former president’s told you so’s about current president. TDS strikes again with word of Trump arrest while evidence of real corruption seems to sneak by. We get a look into what may be a growing danger from social media. Local news brings us more water than what we know to do with, Joe Rogan opens non woke comedy club, and Geek Corner returns with major DC and Marvel universe news.

32 concludes with a report of State Representative Francis Thompson of Louisiana. The longest serving Democrat switched his party, giving the republicans a super majority. Which enables them to veto the Louisiana’s controversial governor. Loto celebrates the reason for this change and encourages the extended family to also let there decisions be inform by their Christian values. Not just political party or personal opinion. Tune in next week for more.

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