Chant: Surrender Your Fears to the Mother

1 year ago

This is a chant that came through me today as I drummed by a waterfall...I added more verses later while driving along the coast.

Surrender Your Fears to the Mother
Follow the call of your heart
Flow like a river's current
To find a fresh new start

Surrender Your Fears to the Mother
Follow the call of your heart
Notice the signs she is giving you
When your plans all fall apart

Surrender Your Fears to the Mother
Follow the call of your heart
Go to ground when you feel in pain
and express your soul through art

Surrender Your Fears to the Mother
Follow the call of your heart
Look to the stars when you lose your way
And everything seems dark

Surrender Your Fears to the Mother
Follow the call of your heart
Listen to the whisper of the wind
To walk your noble path

(Originally posted in Samothrace in Greece on 27 March 2023)

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