1500 Light Years Lance Olsen & Darmin De'flern with Paul Desmidt Space Jazz.

1 year ago

1500 Light Years
Bass, Guitars, Synths, and fx
by Lance Olsen
Synths Darmin De'flern
With Paul Desmidt on drums
Videos by Various artists from www.pexels.com
Video edited, titles and subtitles by Darmin De'flern

I met Lance Olsen on Top Ten Promotions and Lance very kindly suggested we collaborate on some projects of which this is a first.

I was taken aback by this track as the bass line was complex jazz piece which I have no experience with. I showed Lance my early progress he was pleased with the result so I created a layer or three synth lines before sending the track back to Lance for final production. This was the result I am very very happy that I finally cracked the Jazz Genre.

I used the Akai MPC Live 2 for all three synth lines.

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