Ukraine War Map Update: Fires in Russia Have Caused Big Panic!

1 year ago

Chaos is the main enemy of security. Any environment without stability and common sense is pregnant with chaos. From the moment chaos is born, security disappears. Because what will happen to whom cannot be predicted in an environment of chaos.

In the war between Russia and Ukraine, Russia's policy of invasion without thinking about the aftermath initially led to chaos within Ukraine, but Ukraine reversed this situation. The chaos is now in Russia! And in a place where chaos should never be. The Russian Federal Security Service building seems to be a harbinger of the chaos to come in Russia. So why is the Russian Federal Security Service at the center of chaos? Let's take a look at recent developments.

The Pioneer endeavors to inform you about the critical and hot developments in the Russia-Ukraine war by compiling them from local and international sources. You can support our team by using the "Super Thanks" button so that this effort does not go unrequited. If you are ready, let's take a look at the details of the event that created a sensational impact in Russia.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is at its most critical stage. As the war is getting more and more intense, the war has started to leave the Ukrainian borders and enter the Russian borders. The latest development has created a great panic in Russia! Russia is approaching the inevitable end!

In the past days, an explosion was first heard in a strategic building within the borders of Russia. Then, black smoke covered the skies of the city of Rostov, where the building is located. It was the building of the Russian Federal Security Service, the highest body responsible for Russia's security!

The Federal Security Service is Russia's state internal security agency. It is the successor to the KGB during the Soviet Union. The Federal Security Service is responsible for counterintelligence, internal security and border security, counter-terrorism, combating some other serious organized crime and is directly responsible to the President of Russia. What happened in the building is therefore a major threat to Russia.

The city of Rostov is very close to Ukraine's Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts. Therefore, what happened in the city has turned the eyes to Ukraine. However, there is no clear information about the perpetrators of the incident yet.

According to local reports, residents of the city of Rostov were shaken by the sound of a huge explosion at noon. People who had not yet recovered from the panic-stricken shock, took to the streets and were shocked by what they saw! The city was completely covered in black smoke. After the violent explosion, a huge fire broke out. The smoke from the fire rose up to 30 meters into the sky!

Reports of the explosion have not been confirmed by the Russian authorities. However, almost simultaneously with the incident, Telegram channels shared "the sound of a violent explosion", raising the possibility that there was an explosion in the building.

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