Pluto in Aquarius (Part 1 of 2)

1 year ago

Pluto ingressed into Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023 @ 5:23am PST⁣
It’ll dip it’s toes into Aquarius a couple of times before fully settling into this sign in 2024 for about 20 yrs. ⁣

Why is everyone hyped up about this? ⁣

It takes Pluto 248 yrs to move around the entire wheel of the chart (approximately) So, as a collective, we’ll only experience the vibe of Pluto in a few signs. This makes it a significant transit. ⁣

What affects us collectively trickles into our personal lives and has long-reaching effects. Especially Pluto. Pluto’s very nature is deep and intense, transformative and confronting, powerful and illuminating. ⁣

We’ll all be feeling into and experiencing this unfolding for a couple of decades. However, we can look ahead at the possible themes coming forward...the ones we’ll be interacting with for some time. I am sure I’ll have new insights as we progress through this here are my current considerations for this transit. ⁣

I think of Power when I think of Pluto. ⁣

I believe we’ll see the abuse of power dialed up, and I think this has the potential to initiate action to balance the power and put it back in the hands of the people. ⁣

I think we’re going to see the seedy underbelly of society in this transit. ⁣

Pluto can show us the disturbing, the grotesque, the shadow aspects of ourselves or life that we’d rather sweep away into the recesses of our psyche. But the collective shadows show themselves and call us into the truth. We have to dig deep and know that there’s a reckoning with what we would rather hide. It can be harsh...but isn’t it better to have all of the cards on the table than be unaware? We have a chance to course correct. ...And maybe for some of us it will feel too intense and we’ll want to escape in destructive ways. ⁣

Pluto calls us into a reclamation of our power and autonomy. It does this by challenging what we hold to so dearly. Whether we want to be initiated into the upper levels of challenge and letting go or not...we will be asked to do so. As a society, I think we’ll see themes surface around where we’ve given up our power and that contrast will show us where we feel the need to reclaim it. Powerlessness and Power. ⁣

The gift is truth and authentic depth. ⁣

We can find “the real ones” in our social groups. ⁣

I hope that we can learn through this period to make space for people to be human and have shadows...AND still see/treat them with respect and still see the best parts of them along with the shadows. I hope we come to a place of more acceptance and widen our capacity as a collective to be with what’s uncomfortable. ⁣

Speaking of the uncomfortable...Pluto is about transformation/alchemy. Which sounds noble...and we often forget that’s the result after going through the mire. To get there we need to go through that process, which is often uncomfortable. We’ll be asked to deal with loss and grief in many different ways. What this looks like for you is totally dependent on where this is traveling in your natal chart. ⁣

Let’s not forget Aquarius’ connection to the realms of technology and innovation. We could see some significant advances in AI, the metaverse, and digital currency. As marvelous and Star Trek-y as that can be...the shadow side of that could be very much skirting the line of Skynet (reference Terminator: Judgement Day). ⁣

We could see technocracy and censorship show it’s head in a very real way. And, of course, our power or powerlessness in this arena will be felt. Significant technological advances are already being seen...multiply that times 10,000. ⁣

Either way, innovations that are awe-worthy will come through during this time. Talk about quantum jumps in tech! It’ s exciting and simultaneously bone-chilling to think about. ...start re-reading your sci-fi novels for a preview. ;) ⁣

In some ways, Pluto initiates us into the next level of our humanity through a loss of innocence. Pluto and Saturn share some incredibly similar aspects when it comes to how they teach us. We’re asked to grow and grow up in ways that feel challenging and uncomfortable. Both teachers. Both with their own style. ⁣

Much like Saturn, we learn to create boundaries, we learn about our resilience (and trust me...we’re gonna need it), we grow into a more mature version, and what needs to be seen/felt/known makes itself apparent. (Whether we want it to or not)⁣

Coming face to face with what we haven’t wanted to see, coming face to face with what we fear, pushes us into an instinctual state of survival. We learn what we’re made of through loss, grief, or fears. These challenging experiences bring us into a state of absolute truth...or destruction. It’s up to us, really. ⁣


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