Fulton Sheen - Top Ten Countdown!

1 year ago

Countdown of Top Ten listener favorites of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen on the Radio!

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10. Crisis in Christendom - Some Barnacles on the Ship Democracy
Monsignor Sheen warns of, "more barnacles on the ship of democracy." He cautions about communism and "Marxian Socialists."

9. Prayer in Wartime
Sheen's final presenting role was on the syndicated The Fulton Sheen Program (1961–1968) with a format very similar to that of the earlier Life is Worth Living show. For this work, Sheen twice won an Emmy Award for Most Outstanding Television Personality, and was featured on the cover of Time Magazine.

8. Christ Present For Us
For 20 years as Father Sheen, later Monsignor, he hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour on NBC (1930–1950) before moving to television and presenting Life Is Worth Living (1952–1957)

7. The Trinity - Catholic Hour
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost in the Western Christian liturgical calendar, and the Sunday of Pentecost in Eastern Christianity. Trinity Sunday celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

6. The Mass
"A great American patriot once said that he regretted that he only had one life to give for his country. It meant that his love was greater than his sacrifice. His could be given only once in time and therefore could not be repeated. It is very different with the life of our Lord... Though the life was given once, it is eternally given. And it is eternally given and repeated in the Sacrifice of the Mass."

5. How To Meet Communism
Fulton John Sheen was an American bishop (later archbishop) of the Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio. Ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria in 1919,

4. Communism and the Church
Now there actually is such a thing in the world as Authoritarianism. It is Communism.

3. The Philosophy of Communism
Sheen quickly became a renowned theologian, earning the Cardinal Mercier Prize for International Philosophy in 1923

2. The Daily Holy Hour
Fulton John Sheen (born Peter John Sheen, May 8, 1895 – December 9, 1979) was an American bishop (later archbishop) of the Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio. Ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria in 1919

1. The Resurrection
Bishop Sheen talks about celebrating Easter in a world that seems more like Good Friday... Evil has its hour but God has His day. Unless there is a Good Friday there will never be an Easter Sunday

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