Tubac Presidio State Historic Park | Tubac Arizona

1 year ago

The Tubac Presidio is a central site in the history of the Native-American, Spanish, American Southwest, and the quintessential Arizona experience in the town "where art and history meet.” The Park allows you to explore this spectacular history, bringing relevance and the power of history to today’s global society. We are so grateful for your support in helping the Presidio continue to serve as a cultural, social, and intellectual hub for Southern Arizona. Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is the home of many firsts: the first fort in Arizona; the first European settlement in Arizona; the first American mining community in Arizona; the first printing of a newspaper in Arizona. Tubac Presidio proudly boasts being the very first Arizona State Park. In addition to a notable museum, Tubac Presidio is home to three historic buildings, all on the National Register of Historic Places. The Park is filled with informative and provocative displays with ever-changing special exhibitions. Stories abound with 2,000 years of history including native peoples, Spanish colonials, Mexicans, and United States pioneers.

Christopher Molander- Call, Text, or Email anytime!
CALL or TEXT: 520-345-4281
EMAIL: christopher.molander@cbrealty.com
Website: https://christophermolander.sites.cbmoxi.com/

Music: Ice Tea
Musician: Not The King

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