Justice from Heaven (The persistent widow Luke 18:1-8)

1 year ago

Justice from Heaven (The persistent widow Luke 18:1-8)
In America, I think that we have a pretty good legal system, I mean everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven to be guilty. We do not automatically slap the guilty tag on someone just because they are accused of a crime, or someone has pointed the finger at them as the guilty party. They must be proven guilty in a court of law and the due process of our legal system. With this being true, do you know on a regular basis innocent people are proclaimed guilty, forced to pay fines, sentenced to community service, and even imprisoned. We know this is true because they are later exonerated of their crimes, but it still stands to reason the greatest legal system in the world fails to serve justice regularly. Perhaps the scarier scenario is that many times the guilty party gets off the hook and set free by our legal system. In verse 7 of our parable, it says something profound, “will God not bring about justice for His chosen one.” (NIV) The reason our legal system fails regularly is because we are involved, human error and corruption leads to justice not being served but in the Kingdom of God we can count of justice coming from God above.
The scales of justice in America are supposed to be blind and render justice every single time no matter who stands before it but sadly it does not always happen. It does not happen on earth but know that it does happen in Heaven. In this parable Jesus compares the ruling of a corrupt judge to the rulings of God Almighty. If a corrupt judge is willing to give a widow what she desires because of her persistency, then should be not expect God to render justice for His children. God has provided us with the best attorney in the world to plead our cases before the throne of heaven on our behalf. Romans 8:34 says that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father making intercession on our behalf. This is why in John 14:13 Jesus says that we are to ask of God through the name of Jesus, He carries our petitions directly to His father on our behalf. We cannot understand the true meaning of justice because we see it in a broken and corrupted form all around us but know that the scales of justice in Heaven are not broken and that God will always render justice for His children. This should inspire us to boldly carry our burdens before Him consistently and persistently knowing that justice is on our side and that God hears our cries. If that is not enough, we have an advocate in the throne room in the person of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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