Southwest pilot "fainted" shortly after take-off. 6 pilots incapacitated in past 2 weeks!!!

1 year ago

MARCH 22, 2023. Shortly after take-off, the 47 year old pilot of Southwest Airlines flight 6013 started to feel stomach pain. He fainted about 5 minutes later. Josh Yoder from U.S. Freedom Flyers says that he is aware of a whopping SIX pilot incapacitations during just the past TWO WEEKS!!!

Although we have insufficient information to conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that all these incapacitations are vaxx-related, it seems almost impossible to come up with any other explanation.

After all, these incidents were diminishingly rare before 2021. Although COVID may increase the chance of heart inflammation, this only happens in severe disease. This happens very rarely, so we can conclude that COVID did not cause the inflammation.

It is known that...

1. More than 50% of heart inflammation caused by the injected Kool-Aid is subclinical, meaning that you feel no symptoms and won't know that you have heart inflammation until and unless (a) you get a thorough medical check-up or (b) you suffer sudden cardiac issues.

2. Heart inflammation significantly increases the chance of sudden cardiac death, especially in the presence of increased stress hormones, such as with vigorous exercise, giving presentations and flying an aircraft.

3. Untreated heart inflammation has a whopping 20% fatality rate within 2 years and 50% fatality rate in 5 years!!!

4. If a pilot suddenly becomes incapacitated during a critical flight phase, i.e. during take-off and landing, it could be almost impossible for the copilot to prevent a catastrophic crash.

5. The Federal Aviation Administration has recently dramatically lowered heart health regulations. By moving the goalposts, pilots with cardiac issues can now pass their flight physical.


Off -duty pilot helps land plane | ABC

Off-duty pilot helps land Southwest plane after captain falls ill | NBC

Another Pilot Incapacitated Mid Flight: Southwest Pilot Could Not Land Plane & Was Replaced Mid Air | Stew Peters

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