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Why is Ashbey Beasley of 4th of July Shooting at Nashville TN School Shooting

1 year ago

She speculates it's a teenager. Doesn't say anything about waiting to find out what the facts are and why this person committed this terrible act. Jumps directly to gun control. Why not better protect our schools and figure out a way to identify these troubled people?


  • 0/2000
  • The old saying, "when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" clearly applies, here. That woman talks about "mass shootings" and how she was a victim of one. However, she never mentions that the gun that the trans murderer had was illegally obtained. What would be her reaction of she had to face a well armed home invader without a gun? What's she going to do? Stab him before he can shoot her? I don't think so. Anti-gun proponents never think these things through; they only parrot what they're told to think.

  • In the CNN interview Mrs. Beasley claims she was visiting another person she met who was also lobbying for safer gun laws… not her sister-in-law. She can’t keep her story straight. Crisis actor!!