Heaven Land Devotions - Understand And Know Me

1 year ago

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The days are growing rapidly dark. We are now swiftly entering into the days foretold in the book of Revelation and the words spoken by the prophets. There is a speed in which things are coming to an end.

The collapse of the dollar is imminent and starvation is on the rise, "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:26

There seems to be no real safety anymore, and people are becoming increasingly desperate. Crime and panic are on the rise. There will be impossible situations everyone will face.

Things that this nation has never been through. God spoke in the book of Jeremiah saying that He wants us to "Understand and know Him, that He is the Lord."

When we understand Him, then we know what to do in the worst of times because we have made Him our Lord and have trusted in His word. He is the God of the impossible!

Speaking of Himself He says, "There is nothing impossible for Me." When we understand and know this it is because we have experienced Him, and trusted in His enduring faithfulness. God will be glorified in us to the very end, and we will be like those who "run with torches."

"Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim that you are begotten of God and you have His royal blood running in your veins unless you can prove your lineage by His heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in spite of men and devils.” ― William Gurnall

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