Meanwhile At Home, How Are Our Armed Forces? - UK Column News - 27th March 2023

1 year ago

- Facts4EU: contradictory reports of Britons defence capabilities
- Daily Mail: Britain would need 10 years notice from Vladimir Putin to be able to repel Russian invasion
- BBC News runs with Prince Harry bumping into cameraman for the news
- General Sir Richard Barrons:
“We are already in confrontation with Russia. Right now, we have chosen to do very little about it.”
- Major General Charles Collins: what he really means is we need the EU Defence Union
- UK Government—Defence spending: Key Points and Trends
- UK Defence in Numbers 2022: Defence spending In 2021/22, the MOD spent £45.9 billion
- Express: UK military woes deepen with 'troubled' Ajax tanks delayed by another four years
- Former head of the navy, Alan West, on the role of NATO and how cuts to defence will reduce British influence in the rest of the world

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