Christ’s Virgin Birth: Pagan Myth Parallels To Christianity Debunked [EVIDENCE]

1 year ago

Atheist “Hitchens review f these supposed virgin birth stories was plagiarized from a book by an twentieth century British Secularist named Chapman Cohen, down to several misspellings of the pagan deities (“Catlicus should be “Coatlicue,” “Agdestris” should be “Agdistis” and “Devaka” should be “Devaki”

Not only is Christopher Hitchens spending eternity in Hell, but he misspelled the names of Gods he plagiarized being informed on while he was alive. Sad!

5th video in series on Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Subscribe for more

Christ is King
Proof of God
Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Dr. Sean McDowell , Dr. Josh McDowell

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