Zastava Bosanska (Flag of Bosnia) - 1 hour SP

1 year ago

#armijabih #bosnianarmy #yugoslavwarsongs

This is a tribute for those who sacrificed so much for their beloved city and their country as well, without hesitations and such. Long live BiH. ⚔ ⚜️


[Verse 1]
Za slobodu borimo se naši sinovi
pod zastavom od ljiljana vi ste ponosni

Modra boja na bijelome platnu
šest ljiljana vezenih u zlatu
to je zastava naša bosanska

[Verse 2]
Branitelji Bosne mile zlatni ljiljani
u Bosnu ste ugradili kamen temeljni

(Repeat Chorus)

[Verse 3]
Na grudima svi nosimo zlatne ljiljane
Armija naše Bosne po tom se poznaje

(Repeat Chorus)

Original source: (CTTO: bosanacberlin)

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