Open To New Possibilities - 9 Of Clubs

1 year ago

Open To New Possibilities - 9 Of Clubs

Our minds are infinitely connected to the Universal mind that knows all.

We block our minds from seeing opportunity because we are trapped within our perceptions and beliefs.

All we need to do to shift our perception is be willing to open up to more.

There is no effort required to see things from a different angle.

All that is required is for us to choose to be open and curious, and to fill each cell of our body with the knowledge of love and safety.

Today you are invited to observe the truth of what you think and question what else could be true.

Today you are invited to awaken to what’s most important to you and get curious as to whether that’s the limit of possibility for you or not.

Today you are invited to embrace and embody love and belonging, filling up all of the spaces of you with deep affection.

The possibilities for your life are endless.

The only limitations are the ones you place upon yourself.

When you hear that voice in your head, ask yourself this, ‘What else could be possible?’

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