Ponytail Police Lets Dog Chew Up Her Horse - Pesky Citizens Saves The Horse

1 year ago

Out-of-control dog attacks Met Police horse in London's Victoria Park
Thursday 23 March 2023

A police horse was attacked by an out-of-control dog in a London park in front of horrified onlookers.

Video lasting several minutes shows a man using a big stick to try to push the animal away as mounted officers shout 'get hold of the dog!'.

The dog bites the horse's legs forcing the the animal to buckle and fall towards the ground.

The attack happened on Wednesday (March 22) in Victoria Park in Tower Hamlets and attracted a crowd of people.

One person is heard saying "this is so bad" as the dog repeatedly jumps at the horse as frustrated officers watch on almost helplessly.

The police horse suffered bite marks during the attack
Another person shouts "who's dog is that?" as another witness screams "grab it now!"

After a terrifying few minutes the dog is brought under control and the officer gets off the horse to check for injuries before saying "get that dog on a lead now!"

The horse needed stitches and is expected to return to duty following its recovery.

"He will hopefully be back on duty as soon as he has fully recovered but not before," a statement said.

Police added: "PH Urbane from Bow was attacked by a dog off the lead in Victoria Park yesterday.

"We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep dogs on a lead if you can’t recall them or get them under control.

"Huge thanks to members members of public who tried to help Urbane."

The dog remains in police kennels and officers are in contact with its owner. No arrests have been made.

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