Bio wepon quontom dot hydrogel

1 year ago

This yesterday shedding just a very small part on a glass slide to show what the jab was really all about control and to know your thoughts emotions creativety behaviour and modifi it have real world simulation DoD and Pentagon and to steal your creativity use your life energy by stealing your light causing deasea and death with street lights LED outside and in the home optoelectronic I had 3 LED bulbs go about 3 months ago now bed side ceiling light 2 all 3 in 4 weeks just my room out off 20 odd rooms here and 2 x waking with purple light scanning my room ceiling or was coming from my eyes as the quontom dots purple and green light but also chest go tight them 2 times I know fact bring targeted it always early in morning between 4 and 5 am I need to know next time exact time because then I will know the satalites going over
And pin it down to who like shiva airforce base were most TI targeted individual get hit from I also had mi6 because with my keyboard and mind I thought back never surrender even if last breath so be it but don't die a coward when you meet your maker hold up your head there is nothing I'm ashamed of or being I'm happy with life I have everything even though I'll to hang on for and be proud of I need others to assemble and untite we are at war so we have the right to self defence and even prempt stike to protect ourselves we do nothing we may die so be it we fight we may live but we will always of been free so fight we must cops use this for thought crime we need a unavasle day the world choose a side for us or with them and start cleaning up this mess they done and also get grinders to cut every lamppost because they a wepon you want to know why energy went up mabe look up how much energy 1 5G antenna use to power 100 to 1000 hones that much bring it down get rid the smart meter it control flicker on lights Led and flourcent flourcent gave me seizures they took my freedom 3 x I fighted them with rocks from a jab of syco mess when I should not of been there it was an email to nhs warning them at start I know this I had the same I said will kill millions I knew I would not need a mask or get it because I had it already 2018 the RNA technology is optogenetics the purple you see is self ensemble nano tech in hair skin everywhere people don't even know they got ii people like me they want dead simple as junkie and disability they put me first for the jab I knew why first and why imagrants first also and given right to stay if they took it this is why and in USA remember they wanted black people first in astalia they wanted native first never forget that they did to us all the people we need most were first we judged by how we treat the sick and vonrable we needed knowledge from the native the most and there safety to carry down history I love them all equal even if not in there land I respect them all the elderly for knolage of war story's and how to servive they see the sign being repeated we did not

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