Love and Forgiveness of Yourself

1 year ago

First I must say that we Love God because He first loved us... I learned years ago that with all the ways that the world teaches us what love is... We will Truly never know or understand what love is or how to love until we experience God's Love for us personally... In 1 Corinthians 13 we get a glimpse into God's Love in scripture...

One of the things mentioned about Love is that it holds no wrong. In other words, True Love gives Forgiveness... God has given us all His Love and Forgiveness through His only begotten Son, Jesus...

Most often the person we face to bring about forgiveness in our lives is our own self... Forgiveness does indeed come from inside us and is something we as Born Again Believers must do as we love those in our lives as we love God. Again scriptures says that we can't love God and hate our brothers. And that if we hold unforgiveness in our lives against someone then we should forgive them or the Father will not hear our prayers... So as in 1 Corinthians 13 says, we must release forgiveness to ones who have hurt us and hold no wrongs against them. And this also includes the most difficult person to forgive... Ones Self... Even unforgiveness of ones self is an open door for evil spirits to torment and hinder a person from being about Your Fathers business and drawing closer to the Father...

I hear people all of the time being tormented by their own past sins and evil deeds. They have forgiven one's who have harmed them yet they just can't get past forgiving their own self... Truth of the matter is, you need to realize, your Forgiveness of your own self Has Already been taken care of on the Cross through Jesus... Jesus is your deliverer and has set you free from the torment of your own past... As Jesus said as He drew His final breath... IT IS FINISHED...

Today make a stand against the evil spirits that are holding you captive through torments and hindrances... In ALL Authority and the Finished Work of Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven... Cast out these evil spirits of shame, discouragement, lieing and deceiving spirits, spirits of low self-esteem... And we cast them out in Jesus Almighty Name... All strongholds built within your soul and body, we demolish in Jesus Almighty Name... And CHOOSE to live and walk in the Forgiveness that Jesus has already given you through His Finished work on the Cross... You are filled with the exact same Spirit that Raised Jesus from the Grave... AMEN AMEN

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