Kelly Bacher - Live Blood Analysis - Look What's in the Blood - Scary

1 year ago

This is the extended version from what I uploaded a few days ago. Kelly pricks a patients finger to do a live analysis in real time.

Kelly is finding Self Assembling Luminescent Particles in the jabbed and unjabbed, including her own blood.

She says, "it seems these things become more active when the body starts to Decompose." "The anomalies do not decompose."
Kelly Bacher says the blood has more "things" in it. They appear to have tenacles like a squid or octopus, they light up, they appear to be alive. She says when blood dies, it dies, this is not normal.

They look like mold spores, but they connect causing a chain and then other chains connect forming a network. She says they look like a baby squid. Kelly sent it to her professor and others and they had never seen anything like it.

She says, "thee things aren't dying and it's scary."

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