(August 9th 2006) A younger arrogant Tucker Carlson's on MSNBC in disbelief about Professor David Ray Griffin's take on 9/11

1 year ago

I remember Professor Ray Griffith back then as I was already ready to move on from 9/11 as the evidence was total obvious and growing all the time after 9/11 and I had cancelled by TV Cable back in late 2001 so never knew how Tucker Carlson was into 2014 when Alex Jones began to mention him once in awhile as a mainstream media anchor.

I never watched Tucker even on Youtube because if you can't see the New World Order then you are ASLEEP! Obviously around 2021 I saw Tucker becoming a little more hard core in his news so began to watch the odd one and more now. So I saw this last night and was SHOCKED at our arrogant he seems that anyone would DARE say the beloved Government carried out these attacks as he brags that he comes from a line of great Journalists including him and his father blah blah blah.

Tucker now probably blushes in embarrassment when he sees these old news clips of himself way back then. Tucker seems to think that HE KNOWS and he read the 9/11 commission report but anyone which logic would KNOW that they WHITE WASHED the 9/11 report and glossed over the biggest SMOKING GUN being WTC#7 giving it a small paragraph of some fires on floor #7 & #12 and why it fell. The pancake effect the Government said LOL! Good to see him awake now.

I used to think these media people were INTENTIONALLY deceiving back then but obviously they DON'T KNOW and haven't gone through the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE that everyone has to experience to break the MIND CONDITIONING what they have PROGRAMMED us to believe instead of true reality of their tyrannical New World Order they are building.

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