What's Really Happening On the Ground In Turkey?

1 year ago

Whenever there is a natural disaster, people come together to help those affected. It was no different when a devastating earthquake rocked Turkey on February 6th 2023. More than 52,000 people were killed and more than a million people have been left homeless. As always, people gave generously, despite the challenging times due to massive inflation around the word. The question remains, do you know how the money you donated is being spent to help those affected?
Adam Whittington of @projectrescuechildren3015 has been on the ground in Turkey on a humanitarian mission while at the same time assessing the situation relating to human trafficking, which often spikes during disasters. Adam details what he witnessed first hand as @UNICEF CEO Catherine Russell came in to town for a quick photo op and then left, with no volunteers remaining on the ground to help the people of Kahramanmaras.
Adam speaks openly of his experiences and what he witnessed first hand. The question remains, do you know where your donations are going?

Previous Interviews with Adam:

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#turkeyearthquake2023 #turkeyearthquake #unicef

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