Putin's Nightmare: Ukrainian Army Has Blown Up the Largest Oil Pipeline in Russia!

1 year ago

Can events that develop outside the frontline clashes affect the course of the war? We often see many developments in the Russia-Ukraine war that can answer this question. Since the first day of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the military support provided by Western and European countries to Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia have clearly shown the impact on the course of the war. In addition, diplomatic relations and every new decision taken regarding the war also played an influential role in the course of the war. Apart from all these issues, an important development that will affect the course of the war is the destruction of the enemy's sources of income. The Ukrainian army is quite successful in this regard!
At the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Ukrainian army's only goal was to drive the Russian invaders from Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian army achieved this goal in a very short time! Within a year, the Russian invaders left most of the occupied Ukrainian territory. The second goal was next for the Ukrainian army: To hit the military sites in Russia and the points that provide Russia with material income! The Ukrainian army seems to have focused on this goal in recent days!
Over the last week, the Ukrainian army and partisan groups have attacked several important points in Russia. A new one was added to the attacks on Russian territory the other day. This attack took place in the city of Bryansk in western Russia, which borders northeastern Ukraine. In the attack, one of the world's largest oil pipelines belonging to the Russian invaders was blown up. Russia suffered enormous material damage as a result of this attack! Let's analyze the details of the attack together!
Before going into the details of the attack in Bryansk, we will have a request from you, our valuable viewers. As Anka Daily News team, we continue to report all developments in the Russia-Ukraine war with our understanding of accurate and impartial journalism. You can click the "Super Thanks" button to support our friends who contributed to the preparation of these reports and our channel!

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