Ukrainian Army Has Hit Crimea! Russian Port of Sevastopol is on Fire!

1 year ago

Winning and losing is a fact inherent in the nature of war. Therefore, every army at war determines its distance to victory through large and small gains and losses. Therefore, it is natural to gain territory after successful operations or lose territory after defeats. However, losing or gaining some territories can change the course of a war. For Ukraine, this is undoubtedly the Crimean peninsula. In recent days, the Ukrainian army has carried out a series of attacks on the Crimean peninsula! Ukraine is getting closer to its goal!
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian leader Zelensky and the Ukrainian army have been aiming to push the Russian invaders out of the occupied territories as soon as possible and advance towards Crimea. The first year of the war is over and the Ukrainian army is very close to this goal! Because Zelensky, his army and his people put up a great resistance against the invaders. Despite the threats of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Ukrainian leader Zelensky has not backed down. The attacks on Sevastopol in Crimea the other day clearly showed the determination of Zelenski and the Ukrainian army!
In almost every speech Zelenski has said that Crimea will be taken from the Russian occupiers. In fact, Zelensky said that Russia's occupation of Ukraine began in 2014 with the illegal annexation of Crimea and continued with a full-scale occupation on February 24, 2022. Therefore, Zelenski said that the Russian-Ukrainian war started in Crimea and would end with the recapture of Crimea. Crimea, which Zelenski often reminded, has been the target of the Ukrainian army in recent days! The Ukrainian army has now crossed the occupied territories and is advancing to Crimea!
Ukrainian drones hit Crimea the other day! After this attack on the port of Sevastopol in the morning, the Kremlin issued an emergency alert. The day before the Ukrainian army drone strike, explosions also occurred in the Crimean city of Dzhankoy. The railway supply line of the Russian occupiers in Dzhankoy was hit during the delivery of Kalibr missiles! Increasing activity in Crimea!

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