Japan missiles armed and aimed #japan #missile

1 year ago

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Japan has established a new military base on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture, as part of its efforts to strengthen its defense capabilities in the region amid escalating tensions with China and Taiwan. The garrison, which will house up to 570 members of the Ground Self-Defense Force, includes missile squads capable of launching land-to-ship and land-to-air missiles.

Ishigaki Island, famous for its tropical waters, is located just 200 kilometers south of the disputed Senkaku Islands, which are claimed by China and Taiwan. The islands, known in China as the Diaoyu Islands and Diaoyutai in Taiwan, have been the focus of increasing tensions in the region.

Japan has been building up its military bases in Okinawa, which consists of 150 islands that curve to the south of Japan's main islands in the East China Sea. The Ishigaki base is the fourth military station established by Japan since 2016, following the Yonaguni outpost, which was staffed with 160 troops for coastal surveillance, and the Amami Oshima and Miyakojima bases, which house medium-range surface-to-air guided missiles and type 12 short-range surface-to-ship guided missiles.

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