NATO's Yugoslavia Bombing 24 Years On - URANIUM 2016, 22,000 people died from cancer in Serbia

1 year ago

As Serbia prepares to mark 24 years since NATO-led forces bombed Belgrade, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has cast doubt on the humanist reputation of the US and its allies.
RT contributor Nikola Jovic brings us more details on the Western bombing campaign of 1999.
▪️In 78 days, NATO aircraft made over 10,000 strike sorties killing up to 4,000 people and injuring 10,000, according to the Serbian authorities
▪️About 80,000 tons of bombs were dropped, including cluster and depleted uranium bombs. Serbia racked up the highest number of oncological diseases in Europe as around 30,000 people developed cancer in the subsequent decade.
▪️Studies indicate that by 2016, 22,000 people died from cancer in Serbia. (RT)

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