Converting a Farm Field to Wildlife Food and Cover - Dealing with Acidity and Compaction

1 year ago

This field is severely compacted and acidic due to typical farming practices of tillage and heavy applications of Nitrogen fertilizer. Root growth has a hard time breaking through soil that is over 300 psi on the penetrometer and this one is well over 300 about ten inches down.
To counteract this, we have applied enough lime to bring the pH up and we are subsoiling to break up the compaction layer. Next, we will plant a multispecies cover crop inoculated with microbes to start building the soil ecosystem back to a natural state.

Who is Stephen Chilcote?
Certified Forester
Wildlife Habitat Biologist
Land & Farm Realtor

Who is my ideal client?

My ideal client is a guy who wants to buy land and transform it into an income producing property with great hunting potential or a guy who has land and wants to improve his timber INCOME and game holding capacity of his land. Not only DIY guys but guys with the money to hire everything done

I want to be know as the guy who can help people buy land and transform that land into an exceptional hunting property. Not just give advice but transform the property into an ideal hunting tract fast.

Who I am trying to serve?
Landowners and potential landowners

What am I serving them with?
Information on how to buy land and improve wildlife habitat on the land. Information on how to get the most out of your timber investment


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